Silver Fern Farms and Lynker Analytics team up to form Prism


New Zealand’s largest exporter of premium quality lamb, beef, and venison products, Silver Fern Farms has teamed with technology company Lynker Analytics to form a new joint venture called Prism Earth Ltd (Prism).

Prism will draw on expertise and know-how from both partners to support producers in the primary sector as they face critical challenges in the decades ahead. These challenges include a changing climate, meeting emissions targets, diversifying revenue streams, and changing buyer behaviour around nutrition sustainability.

Prism will deliver an integrated set of capabilities including carbon mapping, climate risk analysis and land use simulation to help farmers understand, budget for, and adapt to these challenges.

Prism Managing Director, Matt Lythe, says “our team will be powered by Lynker Analytics allowing us to exploit proven and world class Artificial Intelligence (AI), geospatial analytics and visualisation software to deliver these services.”.

Prism New Zealand

Prism will enhance and extend the predictive analytics and mapping technology developed by Lynker Analytics, including the award-winning Net Zero Carbon Mapping System

This advanced system leverages remote sensing and AI to accurately map, classify, and determine the age of woody vegetation on grazing land at sub-hectare scales.

Future climate changes have the potential to significantly alter land use. As climatic conditions evolve, we can expect shifts in pasture yields, rising summer water demands, more variable nitrate leaching, and higher erosion rates. Additionally, increased heat stress will likely impact animal welfare and reduce milk production in dairy cows.

“These impacts won’t be distributed equally, and the level of adaptation needed will depend on location, land use, and exposure of the farm.” Matt Lythe goes on to say.

As well as AI enabled mapping of carbon (woody vegetation), deforestation, erosion, and invasive plants such as Nassella and Gorse/broom, Prism will work extensively with catchment groups to simulate and implement science-based land use adaptation measures. This work will commence in Arai Te Uru Awa, a 23,000 ha hill country catchment 10km southwest of Gisborne.

Prism will be headquartered in Wellington and is powered by Lynker Analytics who will continue to develop and deliver AI solutions to a wide range of environmental challenges.

Prism New Zealand

These impacts won’t be distributed equally, and the level of adaptation needed will depend on location, land use, and exposure of the farm

For more information please contact:
Matt Lythe, Managing Director, Prism, +64 21 445 215
Greg McSkimming, Agribusiness Strategic Solutions Manager, Silver Fern Farms, +64 27 282 1101

About Silver Fern Farms –
Established in 1948, Silver Fern Farms is a market-led food company, supplying nutritious and delicious, sustainably and ethically raised grass-fed red meat and other natural products, from Aotearoa to the world. We are New Zealand’s leading processor, marketer and exporter of premium quality lamb, beef and venison and associated products to over 60 global markets.

About Lynker Analytics – 
Lynker Analytics are a New Zealand company with specialist expertise in data science, geospatial analytics and machine learning. We have developed sophisticated tools to extract new insights about the earth’s surface and built environment from satellite imagery, aerial photography, Lidar and other data sets. Using AI techniques, Lynker Analytics monitor and quantify change in the environment at local, city or national scales to support better decision making.