Revealing insights for sustainable land use™

A partnership between major industry players, Prism combines best-in-class technology and scientific know-how to uncover opportunities that maximise carbon asset realisation and optimise future land use.

What we do

Combining sensor data, Machine Learning, geospatial analysis and scientific know-how, we develop data processing pipelines that map, measure and model the best possible use of land at a sub-hectare scale.

How we’re uncovering opportunities

We work with our clients to provide evidence-based analysis, modelling and scientific expertise to help farmers build climate resilient farms.

AI-driven land analysis
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Prism | Revealing insights for sustainable land use™
Carbon asset maximisation
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Prism | Revealing insights for sustainable land use™
Catchment planning & climate risk analysis
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Prism | Revealing insights for sustainable land use™

We want to be able to provide pristine wai for Tairawhiti. We need a science-based plan to determine what our catchment needs to prepare for in the next 100 years ”

Tam Jex-Blake

Chair, Te Arai Community Catchment Group

Taking care of our emissions is our own responsibility, no-one else’s, we are not outsourcing our emissions, rather we are recognising and incentivising our farmers for their efforts.”

Dan Boulton

CEO, Silver Fern Farms

Future climate will drive major shifts in land use but the impacts won’t be distributed equally. The level of adaptation needed will depend on location, land use, and exposure.”

Matt Lythe

Managing Director, Prism


Silver Fern Farms and Lynker Analytics team up to form Prism

New Zealand’s largest exporter of premium quality lamb, beef, and venison products, Silver Fern Farms has teamed with technology company Lynker Analytics to form a new joint venture called Prism Earth Ltd (Prism).

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Case Study

Reducing erosion on steep grazing land

In February 2023, Cyclone Gabrielle caused extensive damage to farmland in Hawkes Bay and Tairawhiti-Gisborne. Erosion rates this region are naturally very high due to the dominance of steep slopes, erodible rocks, and frequent high-intensity rainstorms while deforestation and the introduction of large numbers of grazing animals have further increased erosion rates.

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Case Study

Farm scale Climate Risk and Vulnerability Analysis

Prism has developed a climate risk and vulnerability method that has been used on numerous Sheep and Beef, Venison, and Dairy farms across Aotearoa New Zealand. 

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Case Study

Measuring carbon sequestration on farms with AI

Recognising that 96% of beef emissions occur on farm, Silver Fern Farms commenced a programme to map and measure the sequestration potential in order to become New Zealand’s first certified grass-fed, carbon zero red meat product.

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Case Study

Mapping Invasive Species

Nassella tussock is an invasive grass that is spreading in Canterbury and elsewhere in New Zealand. It displaces productive pastures and is unpalatable to stock.

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