Case Study

Case Study

Reducing erosion on steep grazing land

In February 2023, Cyclone Gabrielle caused extensive damage to farmland in Hawkes Bay and Tairawhiti-Gisborne. Erosion rates this region are naturally very high due to the dominance of steep slopes, erodible rocks, and frequent high-intensity rainstorms while deforestation and the introduction of large numbers of grazing animals have further increased erosion rates.

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Case Study

Farm scale Climate Risk and Vulnerability Analysis

Prism has developed a climate risk and vulnerability method that has been used on numerous Sheep and Beef, Venison, and Dairy farms across Aotearoa New Zealand. 

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Case Study

Measuring carbon sequestration on farms with AI

Recognising that 96% of beef emissions occur on farm, Silver Fern Farms commenced a programme to map and measure the sequestration potential in order to become New Zealand’s first certified grass-fed, carbon zero red meat product.

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Case Study

Mapping Invasive Species

Nassella tussock is an invasive grass that is spreading in Canterbury and elsewhere in New Zealand. It displaces productive pastures and is unpalatable to stock.

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